
15 Jobs Developed Due to COVID-19

Millions of were are lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic as it forced businesses across the US to close. However, it also created unique new jobs or fueled the demand for existing ones. Here are 15 of the top jobs developed due to COVID-19 and now seeing an increase in demand for employment as the pandemic continues:

1. COVID-19 Testers

At the start of the health crisis, medical practitioners learned the importance of COVID-19 testing to reduce the spread of the virus. It created a position for COVID-19 testers, usually composed of registered nurses and certified nursing assistants. They do swab tests at clinics, hospitals, offices, nursing homes, and factories. Their typical wage ranges from $20 to $45 an hour.

Opportunities for COVID-19 testers are expected to increase as more businesses will open again in the future. There might be part-time or full-time jobs at hospitals, universities, and public-sector agencies.

2. Contact Tracers

Contact tracers cold call people who are potentially exposed to confirmed coronavirus carriers. They also arrange COVID-19 testing for the people under investigation. They primarily work over the phone part-time or full-time and most likely from home. Contact tracers often get paid around $25 per hour. However, the development of contact tracing apps might threaten this position.

3. COVID-19 Caregivers

Caregivers have been in demand since the rise of COVID-19 cases in the US. This job pays around $14 to $25 per hour and involves taking care of COVID-19 positive patients. These caregivers need to complete appropriate COVID-19 training and certification and wear PPEs.

4. Face Mask Sewers

Aside from the surgical face masks, the demand for non-surgical ones also increased. Apparel companies started including face coverings in their regular apparel lineup. The listings for hand-sewn face masks rose in online marketplaces. Entry-level face mask sewers can make around $13 an hour at a production facility.

5. Health Screeners

Health screeners check people’s temperature as they enter restaurants, airports, schools, factories, and other businesses. They also ask questions if entrants suffer from COVID-19-related symptoms. Their duty also includes educating people about the business’ safety protocols. Health screeners often stand around talking to visitors.

6. Plexiglass Screen Makers and Installers

Restaurants, grocery stores, offices, and other businesses need plexiglass dividers and shields to continue their operation and interaction with the public. Plexiglass suppliers continue to hire more technicians to meet the demand for their services.

7. Technology Consultants

Classes, meetings, and even medical consultations are now shifting to the virtual world. It increased the demand for technical support who can facilitate video meetings online. Businesses also need experts in onboarding remote workers. They use tech consultants to set up infrastructure to coordinate with offsite employees’ operations.

8. Telemedicine Practitioners

Even medical consultations are now done online to ensure social distancing. More patients seek diagnosis, counseling, prescription, and therapy with telemedicine practitioners these days.

9. Outdoor Fitness Trainer

The COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the importance of being physically fit, but gyms have shut down. Some people don’t want to exercise at home and prefer doing it outside. It gave way to outdoor fitness training that supports social distancing among participants.

10. Virtual Event Producers

Gatherings are discouraged, but it did not stop people from staging celebrations. Birthday parties, concerts, meetings, and even weddings are now celebrated online. Virtual event producers ensure that these happenings run smoothly online.

11. Social Distancing Monitors

On top of wearing masks, it’s also very important to observe physical distancing. Social distancing monitors are around to impose COVID-19 safety measures. Their mission is to ensure a safe and healthy environment through proper social distancing.

12. Workplace Sanitizers

Businesses need to sanitize their workspaces before welcoming workers and customers again. Regular cleaning and sanitizing have to be done. However, with employees rushing to get back to work, disinfecting their workplace might not be a priority. To keep everyone safe, business owners might need to hire temporary workplace sanitizers.

Sanitizing teams usually work for professional cleaning companies that deploy them with mobile disinfecting machines. These machines release a cleaning agent mist on surfaces. Commonly touched surfaces, such as handrails and doorknobs, would need manual scrubbing. New York City even employed cleaners 24/7 to sanitize subway cars and public buses once daily.

13. Compliance Monitors

Reopening businesses meant following the COVID-19 prevention protocols. It is a duty now taken over by compliance monitors. Monitors working in construction sites ensure that workers are at least six feet apart from each other. Those working in big stores often posted at the entrance to ask people to wear masks. They also check if the customers observe social distancing.

14. Lab Workers

Millions of people are getting COVID-19 tests. The demand highlighted the shortage of medical lab workers in commercial laboratories. It also resulted in longer turnaround times for COVID-19 test results. It is also why big companies like Amazon started their own labs for their employees’ testing.

15. Virtual Babysitters

Due to COVID-19 prevention measures, virtual babysitting has replaced traditional babysitting. These modern babysitters keep kids engaged over online video meetings by facilitating activities. They might engage younger kids in storytime, pretend play, singing, dancing, counting, and reading. Older kids might do Pictionary, homework help, exercise, music lessons, riddles, and magic.

COVID-19 marked changes for millions of employees around the world. If you are one of those affected, it helps to be flexible in adapting to these changes in the workplace. Investing in upscaling your skills will also be the best weapon at your disposal now.

If there’s one important thing that COVID-19 taught us, it is to save money. The future is unpredictable. Let us equip ourselves to handle it. These financial lessons from COVID-19 might be also of great help.

Written by HNE Staff


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