
15 of the Worst Parenting Mistakes to Avoid

Parenting is hard, so you’re likely going to make mistakes. What you can do is to know the worst blunders many parents have committed so that you can avoid them. You cannot refer to a parenting manual to perfect everything, but you should learn from other parents’ mistakes.

Here are 10 of the worst parenting mistakes anyone can make and learn from:

1. Not Showing a Good Example

It’s easy to lecture children on what they should do, how they should behave, how they can motivate and comfort themselves, and more. However, telling them without applying your advice on yourself is a big mistake.

Children pay more attention to the parent’s behavior and mirror it instead of listening to their advice. If you want to teach your kids to be kind, show them how to help other people.

2. Cutting Quality Time Short

Give your kids at least 20 minutes of quality time every day. It means focusing all your attention on them. It’s not enough that you stay in the same room with them while you work, watch TV, or take calls. They deserve your full attention as your way of letting them know how much you love them and how much you love spending time with them.

3. Parenting Your Kids the Same Way

Every child needs a different parenting style. There is no one-size-fits-all in raising a child. Determine what kind of discipline and reward system best suits each of your children. Some parenting techniques might work on most kids, but these might not work on others who struggle with behavioral and emotional regulation.

4. Doing Everything for the Kids

Parents should guide and assist children, but doing everything for them might delay their ability to do things on their own. Being overprotective might not give your kids the chance to learn from their own mistakes and be accountable for their actions. It also stops them from establishing their response to frustration, which is only built when they feel disappointment and anger sometimes.

Your overprotective instincts might ruin their resiliency in facing the challenges in the real world. They might not have the coping ability of the less sheltered kids.

5. Failing to Listen to the Kids

Allow your kids to speak up and be heard. Doing so will make them feel like an important part of the family. It will also make them feel valued. Don’t dismiss their thoughts and feelings, even if these are over trivial things.

6. Projecting Your Ambitions to Your Kids

It is a common blunder for parents to pass their aspirations and goals to the kids instead of allowing them to figure out what they want for themselves. Guide the kids to think about what is best for them, from sports to hobbies and dreams in life. Don’t look at them as the chance to help you achieve the life goals you’ve failed to reach in your life.

7. Not Giving Yourself a Break

There’s nothing wrong with being a devoted parent, but you deserve “me” time, too. Use this time to release your pent-up frustration and fatigue due to parenting. Taking a break will help you take better care of your kids and the rest of the family.

8. Being Reactive

Give yourself some time to digest whatever is happening in front of you, especially if the kids are watching. Don’t react unless you’ve fully understood the situation. Control your emotions, such as anger, anxiety, fear, or insecurity. Amid a conflict, show your kids you’re in control instead of reacting to the situation right away.

9. Failing to Listen to the Kids

Communication between parents and the kids should be a two-way street. This rule applies even if you still have young kids. Give them a few minutes to listen to what they want to say. They might tell you what activities they love, what they don’t like, or what bothers them at home. Allow them to express their thoughts and even if you disagree with them, do so in a respectful way.

10. Giving in to the Kids

Don’t spoil your kids by always giving them what they want. If you tell them no, be firm in saying no. Let them cry or throw a tantrum if you don’t give in to their demand. Not giving in to your kids will show them that they cannot manipulate you to give them whatever they ask for.

11. Being Inconsistent

Establish rules in the house that everyone needs to follow, especially the kids. These may include setting bedtimes, not eating sweets before a meal, limiting screen time, and more. Impose these rules consistently to tell your kids what to expect and make them feel safe and stable. Your consistency will also stop the kids from trying to push you too far until you give in.

12. Telling the Kids How to Feel

Kids may be small, but they also have feelings like adults do. Don’t invalidate how they feel. When they fall and scrape their knee, you might assure them by saying they are okay. But wouldn’t you feel hurt and uncomfortable if you were the one with a throbbing knee?

13. Failing to Explain Things

Don’t confuse your kids by constantly telling them to follow whatever you tell them just “because you said so.” Explain why you made a certain decision, established a rule, or disagreed with them. Like how listening to them and validating their feelings make them feel valued, taking the time to explain things would make them feel the same way.

14. Letting Kids Get Away with Bad Behavior

Again, it’s important to be consistent. Turning a blind eye when you caught them misbehaving might make them feel like they can get away with things. Don’t tolerate them when they get another child’s toy without permission, skip tooth brushing before bedtime, or eat candy secretly. Confront them about these behaviors to stop them from escalating into an even more severe negative attitude.

15. Criticizing Too Much

Parents are their children’s first teachers at home, so it would help to teach them right from wrong. But if they do something wrong, make your criticism as constructive as possible. Don’t attack their person or use their known weaknesses against them, such as difficulties in certain subjects, social behavior, or other hobbies. Correct what they did wrong instead.


Parenting is a lifetime job. It’s hard, but avoiding these parenting mistakes might give you an advantage in raising more responsible and happy adults. It also helps to learn from your mistakes along the way and apply those lessons throughout your parenting journey.

Moreover, you can also use parenting apps to make it a bit easier. Take advantage of them to learn new things and become a better parent to your children with every day that passes by.

Written by HNE Staff


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